Health Info
Nutritional Information and Ingredients

- natural
- organic (except for the xylitol in our sugar-free pops, which is GMO-free)
- vegan (including dairy-free and egg-free)
- gluten free
- corn syrup-free (no high fructose or any kind of corn)
- free of artificial colors and flavors
- nut free (except Hot Yoga pops contain traces of coconut)
- GMO-free
- MSG-free
- casein free
- soy free
- agave free
- fair trade sugar (sustainable, environmentally and ethically responsible)
Ingredients in our sugar-free pops: GMO-free xylitol, organic superfoods, fruits and/or herbs, and organic essential oils (these vary for each pop: see individual descriptions)
Ingredients in cane sugar pops: Organic cane sugar, organic rice syrup, organic herbs and organic essential oils (these vary for each pop: see individual descriptions)

About xylitol (pictured at left): Xylitol is a natural sweetener, present in the fibers of many plants including berries, oats, beets, sugar cane and birch. It has a low GI value of 7, meaning it has little effect on blood sugar levels and insulin. It is therefore seen as a useful alternative for diabetics. Dentists often give out xylitol candy because it helps to control cavity-causing bacteria that form in the mouth by raising the pH to a more alkaline state. It contains 40% fewer calories than sugar, only 2.4 calories per gram. It doesn’t directly contribute toward the growth of intestinal yeasts or Candida. Please note: Like chocolate, xylitol is toxic to dogs. Please keep candy away from your pets. In large quantities, it can have a mild laxative effect, causing digestive discomfort. For more information, see here:
About our herbs: To learn more about the herbs in our aphrodisiac pops, see our video here or read this article on scientifically proven herbal aphrodisiacs.